Saturday, February 16, 2013

Keindahan Kota Paris

Semua orang mengakui bahwa Paris masih menjadi kota paling romantis, serta masih menjadi salah satu kota paling memesona di dunia. Paris adalah teka-teki rekayasa perkotaan, dengan masing-masing arsitektur bangunan yang berbeda, tetapi menganut satu visi yang sama.

Hal ini membuat kota ini paling banyak dikunjungi di dunia dan sering kali dinobatkan sebagai kota paling indah. Memandang penuh kagum pada kota Montmartre, keagungan The Champs-Élysées, tembok "I Love You", keajaiban Menara Eiffel, serta kemegahan Sungai Seine.
Menara Eiffel adalah simbol kota Paris dan merupakan bangunan yang paling terkenal di Eropa. Menara ini dibangun dalam rangka Pameran Dunia tahun 1889 yang diselenggarakan untuk memperingati Revolusi Perancis tahun 1789. Tinggi Menara Eiffel mencapai 300 m. Struktur Menara Eiffel dirancang oleh Gustave Eiffel, yang juga dikenal merancang kerangka besi untuk pembangunan Patung Liberty di Amerika Serikat.

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Description Text SMAN 2 Pangkajene

Let me tell you about our school. Our school is SMAN 2 Pangkajene. It is located at H.M.Arsyad B street. SMAN 2 Pangkajene is the excellent and great school. So many trophy in our school, like academic and non academic. The condition of our school is very leafy. If we look at frontage, there are a greenfield as well as mast flag. In addition to the flag raising ceremony, sometimes we use the field to play futsal.On each side of the field there are small gardens with a variety of flowers and other plants. In the middle school, there is a fish pond that looks pretty. The water is not clear, but the surrounding plants neatly arrange. In the middle of the pond where the water fountain radiates cool touches the skin. There are 20 class which consist of 18 reguler class and 2 acceleration class. Complete with teacher’s rooms, library, toilet, canteen, and parking area. On the library, there are some blue chairs with white table in the room middle. While it, in book rack seens some novels and book scientific position in every wall. Look at the classroom, there are some brown desks. There is small flowerpot with a brith flower where the colour one with the paint’s  wall. 
SMAN 2 Pangkajene has strict rules, if the students or teachers make a mistake, usually the head master give them a point. So the students and the Teachers in our school is very discipline and smart. Our school has many kind extracuriculer, such us PMR, Pramuka, etc. Extracuriculer can make students develope their talent.
SMAN 2 Pangkajene is the interesting and beautiful school. This school make we happy and enjoy. The class room is very neat, clean, and comfortable to have a lesson. The teachers in our school is very smart and fun. We always proud with this school. I hope our school always be the best school in our town and get many achievment.
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